An all-too-familiar sight for Teen Me.
Look, I love games. Of course I do. My recent weeknights have been spent alternating between Hyrule Warriors, Bayonetta 2, Lego Batman 3 and a return to BioShock 2 (in case you were wondering why updates are so infrequent). Real life is dull and exhausting and full of rules nobody can explain but must all be followed at all times. Games are lively, untiring and make their rules plain.
Even so, if there's anything more guaranteed to sour my mood than a BOSS FIGHT~, it's...probably my actual job, honestly, but still, bosses. A good boss can be many things: that one last hurdle before the triumph of the end credits, a despicable sod you can't wait to pummel, the final exam for all the tricks you've learned in the hours before. Sadly, it's all too easy for none of these ideas to stick and you end up with a bad boss, one whose presence cripples the game around it rather than enhancing it. We've all got our personal hall of shame. Here's mine.